The Truth About In-Office Whitening

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If you’ve ever thought about whitening your smile, you’re far from alone. In fact, billions of dollars every year are used to attain a brighter smile—and you probably know why. A radiant smile leads to a great first impression. To achieve lustrous teeth, many people decide to buy a whitening kit from the store—but have you ever considered visiting a dentist for a professional whitening instead?

Of course, there are other benefits to visiting your dentist. For example, over-the-store whitening kits are created to fit any mouth. While this could be good news, Dr. Buhler or Dr. Buhler will create a customized tray. Because this tray will fit your smile beautifully, more of your smile will be whitened. Conversely, without a custom tray, you could have multi-colored whitening and spots on your teeth.

Another advantage of having a dentist whiten your teeth is time-efficiency. With store bought whitening kits, you could have to wait up to twelve days to see results, but if you choose a professional whitening, you can have a more radiant smile in less than two hours.

Our team at Buhler Dental Arts can examine your smile to get you the best results possible. If you are interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 801-794-9905. We’re excited to hear from you!