Getting Your Dental First Aid Kit Together

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Most medical professionals will tell you that you need to have a first aid kit for everyday emergencies. Dental emergencies are rare, but they can happen, and when they do, you will need a dental first aid kit. A dental first aid kit will help you get an emergency under control until you can see one of our skilled dentists, Drs. Forrest and Cameron Buhler.

· A good dental first aid kit has the following things:
· Sterile gloves, a dental mirror and a small flashlight to assess the damage
· Aspirin, ibuprofen, clove oil or a topical pain reliever to reduce discomfort
· A cold pack to reduce swelling
· Toothbrush, toothpick or dental floss to remove foreign objects
· Sterile gauze or teabags to stop bleeding
· Hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds
· A tooth preserving solution to save a lost tooth
· Temporary filling material
· Dental cement to hold a loose crown in place

If you suffer a dental emergency in Spanish Fork, Utah, you should call Buhler Dental Arts at 801-794-9905 as soon as you can. We’ll schedule you for an appointment as soon as possible. First aid is just that, first aid. It isn’t a substitute for professional dental care. We look forward to providing you with the caring dental care you deserve!