Symptoms of Oral Cancer

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Oral cancer is a cancer of the lips, inside of the mouth, back of the throat, tonsils or salivary glands. There are many warning signs of oral cancer. You may not be able to spot the earliest signs, which is why regular visits to our dentistss are imperative. Drs. Buhler and Buhler are trained to detect signs of oral cancer and performs oral cancer screenings during regular dental cleaning and exam appointments. If you notice any of the following signs between visits, schedule an appointment at Buhler Dental Arts as soon as possible for oral cancer screening in Spanish Fork, Utah:

– A lump or thicker area in the cheek that can be felt with your tongue
– Red or white patches on the tongue, gums or other areas inside of the mouth
– A sore on the lips or gums or inside of your mouth that doesn’t heal and bleeds easily
– Unexplained numbness or loss of feeling in the mouth
– A swelling of the jaw
– A change in voice
– Trouble eating
– Unexplained pain or soreness in the mouth
– The feeling that something is stuck in your throat

We invite you to contact our office at 801-794-9905 today to learn more and to schedule your next oral cancer screening.